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5 Things You Didn't Know About Me.

I'm back. Again. With 5 new things you maybe didn't know about me! So much has happened in the past few months and some of those things may become posts. We'll see.

1. I'm ambidextrous. Very much so. I can write legibly with both hands. Some things I do amazingly with my right hand, some things don't. Some things go better with my left hand and other times, not so much. My parents didn't know if I was right or left handed until after my 5th birthday.

2. I have an abnormally long tongue. I've been able to touch my tongue to the tip of my nose for as long as I new that was a thing.

3. My need for wanting more animals never disappears. I bought some guppies about a month ago and on my walk back to my car, I decided that I wanted a bunny. It happens that fast.

4. I'm constantly in planning mode. Whether it be planning my life, planning on getting a new car, planning my non-existent wedding, planning for the future house I want to build, etc. Something that requires planning is always in the back of my mind.

5. I love packing. In past posts, I my have said I hated it (because packing can be frustrating) and know I probably will sometime in the future, but I love it. It's just like one huge puzzle to me trying to get as many things hit into one box as I possible can.

So there you have it. 5 things you didn't know!

What's one thing I don't know about you?
