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February Goals

January literally came and went so fast. In the middle of the month, I hit a pretty bad slump that really made me re-evaluate the direction my life is heading. I love finding the silver lining in poopy situation. It made me re-evaluate if I still wanted to be a Massage Therapist, wanted to sell oils, wanted to continue living in Iowa, stuff along those lines. Serious life decisions were made in a two week slump because I chose to use what was a not-so-good situation for me and turn it into something positive. While I still have a bit to figure out, the ball is rolling and some decisions have been made on what I want to do. Declaring goals, however how small they may be, is something that will help me move in the right direction.

p e r s o n a l :

- Do more yoga

- Meditate more

- Read at least one book to help me grow spiritually

e s s e n t i a l  o i l s  +  m a s s a g e :

- Sell at least one kit

- Hit 1,000+ OGV to help me grow to Senior Star

- Love on my people and help educate them

- Get everything ready for a Sip and Sniff next month

- Look into room rent to start my business

- Get a firm business plan in place

b l o g :

- Post at least twice a week

- Rename?

- Redo entire theme

- Hit 100 views per day

- Grow my Bloglovin' following

For me, it's really important to declare goals. I love have something to work towards and having it written or typed out gets me all the more inspired to go out and actually get those goals crushed.

What goals do you have for the month? Season? Year? Let me know! I seriously love hearing what people are working towards!


Why I Got Started With Essential Oils

While I was still in Massage Therapy school, I was introduced to the wonderful world of essential oils and fell in love. I loved the idea of the natural health and wellness option that they offered and the freedom they gave me to get a better grasp of my own health and wellness. I went into essential oils knowing that I wanted to share these wonderful things with others so they could experience the same thing I was.


In February 2016, I got started on my own essential oil journey. I did tons and tons of research on which company that I wanted to go with because I wanted to make sure that the quality was the best it could be. If I'm making an investment in something I want to love and use for a long time, I want to make sure it's the best. I very literally spent months teetering between Young Living and DoTerra and ended up choosing Young Living.

I went on both websites to research the oils themselves and really loved Young Living's Seed to Seal process, which means they grow, distill, and bottle the oil themselves without using toxic additives and outside resources. If you compare them to lesser quality oils from other companies or grocery stores, you can tell that there is a difference in quality. If a farm crop didn't do well or they are low on resources, they would rather have an 'out of stock' product than to put an inferior one out.

I was oils in many different ways. I use them to help me sleep. They've helped transform my skin, hair, and nails. They help provide that overall wellness boost that I just didn't have before. I feel like I have more energy and am much more supported emotionally. The phrase "There's an oil for that" definitely stands to be true for me.

This company doesn't only offer essential oils; they offer natural supplements, cleaning supplies, and something that is important to my massage therapy practice, massage oils. They are constantly working on new products and making sure they have the best products possible. In being on this oily journey, I've learned more about toxic household chemicals and toxic things that we put in and on our bodies than I ever thought I would. As cliche as it sounds, my life has literally been changed forever.

I love these oils. I love the natural health alternative they offer. I love the way it makes me think about what I'm using in my home and products I use in and on my body. That mental challenge of constantly having awareness is something I'm thoroughly enjoying.

If you want to get started with oils so you can fall in love too, click here to go to my information guide to get started and be sure to leave a comment or an email if you have any questions. Helping my team and answering oily questions is something that is really bringing me joy.


It's okay to feel stuck.

For the past couple of months, I've felt so stuck. Stuck to my job. Stuck living at home. Stuck being single. Stuck without children. Stuck struggling with my anxiety, fears, and bothers alone. And you know what? That's okay.

One thing I learned this year is that being stuck can be good. It gives you time to pause and reflect and see if your life is going the way you want it to. Being stuck is almost like a pause to let you figure it out in some ways. Yeah, time keeps moving. Yeah, I do the same things every week for right now. Does it always have to be that way? No. It gives me time to think about where I want to go and what I want to do while I do all those things.

I'm not in a relationship or even close to having children, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. I work and hardly have time to see people, but that doesn't mean that can't change. Yeah, I'm living with my family now, but that doesn't mean I will forever. Just because I'm stuck now doesn't mean that can't change a year, a week, or even a month from now.

How you feel about being stuck is all about perspective and what you're willing to do to change it. Right now, I'm stuck with where my life is and honestly, part of the time, I'm not okay with it. It can suck. And it can suck bad. The times I am okay with it, I try to be thankful for what I do have and how I plan on getting myself un-stuck. I know in the grander scheme of things, God has a bigger plan for me that I can't see quite yet. Being stuck can be a bad thing, but only if it's made out to be so.

Isaiah 41:10:      So do not fear, for I and with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


I hosted a class.

You read that correctly. I hosted an Instagram class on Essential Oil 101. 

Actually, currently hosting is more accurate. 

Currently hosting as in I just posted it all tonight.

This is something I've never done before and if I'm being completely honest, it's kind of intimidating to me because of how far out of my comfort zone it is. And if I'm being honest again, I kind of like it.

Doing this whole loving essential oils and trying out the business side thing in general has gotten me out of my comfort zone which is something I didn't expect to happen during my oily journey. I truly love these oils and am enjoying doing the business side and connecting with so many amazing and wonderful people, but I just didn't even begin to realize how much I'd have to put myself out there.

For this instagram class, I'm going over 'why Young Living' 'what are essential oils' 'how do I use essential oils' 'what oils are good to start out with' 'how awesome the 'Happy Oiler' community is.' For real though, the oily Facebook communities that I belong to were a serious game changer for the better.

Oh. The class is over on my oily, health and wellness account called Mindful Oiler if you'd like to check it out. There also may or may not be a cheeky giveaway going on till October 12th.


c u r r e n t l y . . .

I've loved doing these 'currently' posts. Not only is it something for people to get caught up on, it's something that I can look back on to see what I was doing and what was going on at that time. I looked back on a few of them recently and at times, it's been like, "Oh wow. Who is this person?" and it's just been a crazy thing to look at. Seriously though, I love it.

Making : Essential oil concoctions. I recently signed up for Young Living and am LOVING the benefits from the oils and using more natural products around my home. I'm kind of obsessed now. Let me know if you want to become obsessed too!

Cooking : Sauteed veggies! Soooo many sauteed veggies! Mushroom, peppers, and zucchini sauteed in coconut oil with some thyme, sage, pepper, and onion powder. Mmm!

Eating : Lots and lots of kiwi and blueberries. I recently started the FODMAP diet due to my tummy issues and so far, it seems to be working. These two fruits are some on 'the good list' that I love.

Drinking : More water. Since starting my massage job, all they serve is water. Hy-Vee serves so many other drinks that it's easy to choose something other than water.

Reading : Lots and lots of posts about essential oils. I'm still so new to them and just want to learn all the things!

Watching : Once Upon a Time and Inside Out is on repeat. Thanks to me, of course.

Wanting : More oils. There's just about a million (not really, but almost) different oils and cleaners that I want to try but don't have moneys. You should see the list I have on stuff I want to order. It's kind of ridiculous.

Playing : The game 2048. I. Love. It. So. Much. If you don't want to get addicted, I highly recommend not playing it.

Wishing : For another puppy. I have been looking at chiweenie pictures, waiting for the time to be right so I can get another furbaby.

Enjoying : Life. So many wonderful things have happened since I last posted. I bought a new car which I love. I honestly don't think I'll ever get another vehicle besides a Kia ever again. I graduated college with an Associates degree in Massage Therapy (woop woop!) and have a big girl job at Massage Envy. I'm saving up to buy my own house in my hometown. Things are just going very well!

Waiting : For all my stuff that I ordered to come in. I feel like I'm constantly waiting on oils or crystals to come in. I recently ordered Pocahontas and am so stoked for it to get here. Come on, postal service!

Trying : To not be such a procrastinator. Or so flaky. I know I am. I know my faults. I acknowledge them.

Needing : To do more yoga. I've seriously been slackin'.

Smelling : Bath and Bodyworks aromatherapy scent 'Stress Relief Eucalyptus Tea.' I don't think I could ever tire of that scent.

Feeling : Content. There's things that I wish would hurry up and happen or things I wish I could change, but I'm content knowing that everything will happen when it needs to and that everything is in God's hands. His plan is more important than mine.

Thinking : That I need to stop being such a night owl and start being more of a morning person.

Knowing : That I'm right where I want to be.


Owning a Dog in College: Why it was the Right Move for Me.

As many of you may or may not know. I have a dog and I can't imagine how my life would be if she wasn't here. When I first got her,  I got a lot of grief from just about everyone. "You're only in college." "Where will you find the time and responsibility to take care of her?" "Won't that take you away from regular college life?" are just some of the comments people would say to me when I first got Addie. I ignored every single one of them. And I'm so glad that I did.

owning a dog in college

Before I got Addie, I was in just about the darkest place that I've ever been in my life. I just moved 4 hours away from my family and the dogs that I already had. I wasn't making very many friends and I could see myself going into 'self-destruct' mode. I was freaking out, frantically searching the internet for any type of home therapies, work-out, or distractions... Anything. Then, I stumbled upon the benefits of a 'therapy dog.'

The more I read about how a dog can help people with anxiety and depression, the more I got into searching for a new dog. After a few weeks of searching, I found her. I found my then 3-month-old puppy in a town an hour away. I spoke to the breeder and picked her up a few days later.

The first few months of having her was tough because she wasn't used to being away from her litter mates and I wasn't used to taking care of something so dependent on me all by myself, but I digress. Even the first few months of struggling with her there was therapy to me and I started noticing a significant difference in my mindset after the first two weeks of her being there. A month after getting her, one of my friends committed suicide and I had no one. Except Addie. And she was phenomenal at knowing what I needed.

When I bought her, I knew it would be a challenge. I knew it could get expensive. I knew it would be worth it. For me and for her. I cared for her. She cared for me. I knew I was responsible enough to care for her. I knew I had enough money to care for both of us. It was a bit of a struggle juggling work and school with my new puppy, but I made it work because not only did I need it and deserve it, she did too.

After a year of having her, with the help of yoga as well, my depression and anxiety was significantly better. All of those people who gave me so much grief for getting her came up to me again. "She is such a great dog. You did a good job." "I've noticed such a difference since you've gotten her. You seem much happier." "That dog has done you a world of good." ...You know, I knew she would.

After almost three years of having Addie, the progression has continued. I love that dog as if she was my own flesh and blood. She's the first thing and the last thing I make sure is okay every single day. Taking care of her and letting her care for me has nurtured my mind and soul in a way that I can't even describe.

Even now, people will sometimes give me grief for getting my dog when I did. I know that getting any animal in college is not the right move for people. Getting a dog young is not for everyone and not every person or animal has quite the same success that Addie and I have had, but it can be done. I know getting her was the right move. I'm a much better person with her here. I'm a much happier and healthier person with her here.

Please don't give people grief if they decided to get pets in college. It may just be the best thing for them. I know it was for me.

What kind of pets do you guys have?



c u r r e n t l y . . .

It's been so long since I've done one of these posts and I love to do them. Not only for others to read, but I find that they are wonderful for me to look back on to see what I was thinking or feeling a few months to a year ago. Has it been that long already?

Making : Lots of decisions. As my life progresses, i find I'm making more and more adult decisions and I'm not quite sure if I'm making all the right ones.

Drinking : More and more hot tea... mmm...

Reading : More and more blog posts! Leave yours below!

Wanting : A Kit Kat.... I'm a simple person.

Wishing : For a new pen. My favorite one just exploded.

Appreciating : My life. Way too many people take theirs for granted and lately, I've just been appreciating simply being alive.

Wasting: Money. I guess it's not really wasting. Paying for my CAT scans and my 'oscopies' is just starting to get very expensive.

Waiting : For answers. So many things need to be answered...

Liking : The new coffee mugs at Target. Seriously though. Have you seen them yet?! Go. Look. Now. Please.

Loving : My new car. Let me tell you. Going from a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am to a 2015 Kia Forte is a HUGE jump.

Marvelling : The leaves changing. Besides spring, this is my favorite time of year.

Needing : Honestly, some support. Something significant happened to me and there aren't a lot of people I can talk deeply about it to and it's been a struggle to deal with.

Smelling : The Tea Thyme melted wax scent from Wal*Mart. It is a wonderful scent to transition from summer into autumn.

Thinking : About how much I have to do before graduation in December. Woof..

Knowing: That I am one step closer each day to having the life I've been dreaming of.

Feeling : So many things. My mind is deceiving me at the moment. So confused!

Anything new going on with you? I'd love to hear from you!

