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My furry-ish extended family

Well, one little, well actually huge thing to know about me is I love my pets. They are like the children I don't have yet. They are my babies and odds are, you'll end up hearing about them again so you might as well know some background knowledge about my furry-ish buddies. So here goes it.

Carter is my first dog. Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted a puppy and on Christmas 2001 when I was 8 years old, my wish was granted. That Christmas, my parents had Santa come to our house to deliver him. He's cuddly, sweet, and protective. My big lug of a kooiker hondje is the best Christmas present I've ever received. He may be 10 years old, but he's still my baby.

Doogan was our second dog. He had a lot of spunk and energy. He was a mix of a lhasa apso, pekingese, and a pomeranian. At just a yea and a half, Doog was diagnosed with a kidney disease and died a few days later. 
We bought our purebred pomeranian, Sadie, 2 weeks after Doogan passed. She's a crazy, fluffy, ADHD dog. She may be a little naughty sometimes, but she doesn't have a mean bone in he tiny little body.

This is my 10 week old hedgehog, Arri. She is a blast, let me tell you. She's temperamental. She's very picky, but can be very loving. And sorry to burst your bubble, but Sonic isn't her brother. He's her cousin. Nice try.

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