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Proud to be a Hufflepuff.

CAUTION: MAJOR HARRY POTTER NERD ALERT BELOW! This post is also in honor of Hufflepuff Pride Day on September 18th.

Hello. My name is Kristina and I'm proud to be a Hufflepuff.

Now some of you you may ask, "A WHAT?!" No, you heard me correctly. A Hufflepuff. If for some odd reason that I won't be able to comprehend you don't know what a Hufflepuff is, let me enlighten you. "Harry Potter" is a 7 book series about a boy, Harry Potter, finding out he's a wizard and makes super awesome friends, learns about magic as well as his past, fights the forces of evil, and is sarcastic along the way. If you haven't read any of the books or seen any of the 8 movies, I encourage you to do so because quite frankly, your missing out.

Anyway, in "Harry Potter," there are four houses in the magical school of Hogwarts that you are sorted into and is more or less your school family for the next 7 years: Gryffindor (the brave-hearted), Hufflepuff (the kind-hearted), Ravenclaw (the smart-minded), and Slytherin (the cunning ones). Like everyone first obsessed with the series, I wanted to be in Gryffindor, where all the main characters were sorted. It wasn't until after the last movie that I realized that I belonged to Hufflepuff more than any other house. At first, I didn't want to be because everyone thought it was the lame house. As I further searched the meanings and values of Hufflepuff house, I couldn't imagine belonging anywhere else.
You may belong in Hufflepuff,
 Where they are just and loyal.
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
 and unafraid of toil.

For a little insight as to why Hufflepuff is quite possibly the best house, Hufflepuffs are fair, kind, patient, and hard-working. We love feeling cozy in our environments and have a little more appreciation to the earth, as our dormitory has many windows and tons of greenery, almost like a Hobbit Hole.

If that's not enough convincing on why Hufflepuffs are amazing, our house is right next to the kitchen and in the video below, J.K. Rowling herself explains why Hufflepuff is your favorite.

Which house are you proud to belong to?

Much love, laughter, and happiness,

To read more on Hufflepuff or other Hogwarts houses, visit: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Hufflepuff

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions stated are honest with no intent to infringe on copyright with Warner Brothers or J.K. Rowling. Strictly a fan post.

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