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Shower Routine and Tips... Seriously.

A while ago, I came across this post on Facebook about showering and honestly, it changed my shower game. Showering is actually something I've researched and shockingly enough, not a lot of people talk about it. Probably because it's showering. Out of my research, I found a decent amount of people asking Yahoo if there was a proper way of showering.

I did a lot of experimenting with this and am no sort of professional, but I don't think I'll be changing the way I am showering now and am glad that I've adopted these new techniques.

First off, use separate shampoo and conditioner. Especially if you are trying to grow out your hair. Conditioner clogs your pores and slows down hair growth. Focus your shampoo solely on your roots and not your ends because of breakage and focus your conditioner more on your ends. Who knew that they actually served separate purposes.

Do wash your face and your shower. The heat from the water opens up your pores more and makes the face wash more effective. BONUS: Use an exfoliating brush to help with the dead skin.

Showering for me in general takes 10-15 minutes and let me tell you, that time is wisely spent. I try to give everything enough time so I can have the benefits you are supposed to get from showering. The actual routine is:

  • Put in shampoo
  • Wash body with loofa
  • Rinse out shampoo
  • Put in conditioner
  • Wash face
  • Shave what needs to be shaved
  • Rinse out face wash then conditioner
It took multiple showers for me to find a routine that I thought worked best. What shower tips do you have that works for you? Let me know!



  1. whaaaattttttt!! WHO KNEW there was an actual way you should be showering! i keep thinking that i need to get a face wash to keep in my shower so i can always wash my face when i'm in there... instead of getting out of the shower and spending time washing it in the sink (which is so counterproductive!)

    1. It's seriously SO much nicer than using a sink! Instead of washing my face at the end of the night, I also use makeup wipes with acne medication in it. It's a lot easier than transporting my face wash everywhere.
