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February Goals

January literally came and went so fast. In the middle of the month, I hit a pretty bad slump that really made me re-evaluate the direction my life is heading. I love finding the silver lining in poopy situation. It made me re-evaluate if I still wanted to be a Massage Therapist, wanted to sell oils, wanted to continue living in Iowa, stuff along those lines. Serious life decisions were made in a two week slump because I chose to use what was a not-so-good situation for me and turn it into something positive. While I still have a bit to figure out, the ball is rolling and some decisions have been made on what I want to do. Declaring goals, however how small they may be, is something that will help me move in the right direction.

p e r s o n a l :

- Do more yoga

- Meditate more

- Read at least one book to help me grow spiritually

e s s e n t i a l  o i l s  +  m a s s a g e :

- Sell at least one kit

- Hit 1,000+ OGV to help me grow to Senior Star

- Love on my people and help educate them

- Get everything ready for a Sip and Sniff next month

- Look into room rent to start my business

- Get a firm business plan in place

b l o g :

- Post at least twice a week

- Rename?

- Redo entire theme

- Hit 100 views per day

- Grow my Bloglovin' following

For me, it's really important to declare goals. I love have something to work towards and having it written or typed out gets me all the more inspired to go out and actually get those goals crushed.

What goals do you have for the month? Season? Year? Let me know! I seriously love hearing what people are working towards!


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