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C U R R E N T L Y . . .

Here's to starting off the new year! Sorry I've been absent. Being a working person in college with other obligations gets the best of a person from time to time. But anywho. I've been seeing these " Currently " posts going around and absolutely love them, so here I am posting one myself. I will try to get one up at the beginning of each month, but I obviously can't make any promises with those curveballs life has been throwin'..

Making : goals and hopefully this year, I'll be better at sticking to them. I like to say I'll do things, but then other stuff comes up, attention is shifted, and the original goals go on the back burner for a little while. It's something I'm trying to improve on.

Wanting : to move home. I haven't really made a post on how living in Sioux Falls is going, but it's not going the way I hoped it would.

Needing : to buy groceries. My apartment has like, almost no food. I'm living off spaghetti and Pibb Xtra at the moment.

Thinking : about the future. I'm trying to figure out where I want to live and what I want to do after I graduate in about a year. My brain is on overload.

Feeling : Frantic, yet calm. There is so much going on in my life right now that my mind is like the energiser bunny, but I've also been doing yoga almost everyday to try to level out everything and it has seriously been helping when I need it to.

Smelling : Target's Autumn Harvest candle. It's my absolute favorite for the fall and winter time and stock up when it goes on sale. This candle needs to stay in my life.

Cooking : Healthier food. I've been wanting to be healthier for a while now and so far this year, I've been doing pretty good. Woo hoo!

Drinking : Lots of water, both regular and infused. This goes with that healthy thing I was talking about.

Reading : books for school. This quarter, I'm taking the most classes I have ever taken in the history of being in college. Reading too much for school burns me out for free reading.

Giggling : at Addie. That dog is just about the funniest little thing. She keeps my spirits up.

Wishing : for spring. Oh, how I love the springtime.

Enjoying : the quiet of my apartment. I'm moving back home with my family in March and with my siblings, Lord knows I won't get this much quiet till I move out again.

Wasting: way too much time watching CSI: Miami on Netflix.

Waiting : to do my homework. I have specific times to do it and don't like to do it any other time. My down time is very important.

Liking : Green peppers. I n e v e r liked them when I was younger but a few months ago, I tried them in a stir-fry dish my mom made and now I can't get enough of them.

Loving : Better Homes and Gardens magazine. That magazine is like the paper Pinterest for home decor and recipes. How could you not love it?

Knowing : that 2015 will be a pretty big year. I get to move home (which I'm obviously happy about), me and my family are finally going an a big family vacation which will result in my very first airplane ride, and my estimated graduation date is December. Be awaiting those posts, my friends.

What are you currently up to this year? I love to know how you guys are doing!


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