Yeah... About halfway through my bucket list. Make one.... I'm for serious. Bolded stuff has been completed. 25 things per list. readysetgo.
76. Touch a starfish
77. Go skinny dipping
78. Grow my hair out for an entire year without cutting it
79. Go on a crazy road trip with my best friend
80. Participate in a flash mob
81. Perform in a musical
82. Ride on a gondola in Italy
83. Visit Disneyland
84. See a double rainbow
85. Ride in a hot air balloon
86. Go to a masked ball
87. Meet the amazing J.K. Rowling
88. Take a kissing picture in a photo booth
89. Go to Poké Park
90. Play Laser Tag
91. Go to Niagara Fall and ride on Maid of the Mist
92. Go camping on a beach
93. Get a puppy that belongs only to me
94. Learn to write legibly with my left hand
95. Make a pizza 100% from scratch
96. Snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
97. Plant a tree
98. Swim with dolphins
99. Write a letter, put it in a bottle, and throw it out to sea
100. Sleep on a trampoline
Bucket List: Part 3 of 9
Here is yet another portion of my bucket list. Having a bucket list and completing stuff on it is completely do-able. These whole whopping 9 pages so far is proof. It can be done! The bold ones are completed!
51. Feed a giraffe
52. Meet someone from the Harry Potter cast
53. Get married
54. Have a baby
55. Get my belly button pierced
56. Make out with someone with Pop Rocks in my mouth
57. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
58. Get all the tattoos I've always wanted
59. Finish a tube of chapstick
60. Try Chicago Style Pizza in Chicago
61. Get a white ink tattoo
62. Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
63. Watch the full sunset
64. Not be single on Valentine's Day
65. Ride the London Eye
66. Visit Toronto, Ontario, Canada
67. Jump fully clothed into a pool/body of water
68. Tie dye a shirt
69. Sleep in an underwater hotel
70. Conquer my fear of heights
71. Learn how to play cello
72. Explore a rain forest
73. Learn fluent sign language
74. Pet a giraffe
75. Touch a sting/manta ray
51. Feed a giraffe
52. Meet someone from the Harry Potter cast
53. Get married
54. Have a baby
55. Get my belly button pierced
56. Make out with someone with Pop Rocks in my mouth
57. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
58. Get all the tattoos I've always wanted
59. Finish a tube of chapstick
60. Try Chicago Style Pizza in Chicago
61. Get a white ink tattoo
62. Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
63. Watch the full sunset
64. Not be single on Valentine's Day
65. Ride the London Eye
66. Visit Toronto, Ontario, Canada
67. Jump fully clothed into a pool/body of water
68. Tie dye a shirt
69. Sleep in an underwater hotel
70. Conquer my fear of heights
71. Learn how to play cello
72. Explore a rain forest
73. Learn fluent sign language
74. Pet a giraffe
75. Touch a sting/manta ray
bucket list,
Packing and such...
I never actually had a realization to what all goes into packing for college. In the past few days, I have sorted my dresser, closet, and have even tackled the hideous task of doing underneath my bed... Don't even get me started on hoe long the last one took. My grandma was the best woman ever and basically bought me everything I need for college.
So far, I have only one box packed before my ISU journey. In the beginning, this is what it looked like...
Now, it looks a little something like this.
I have one box. On singular box to fit my stuff in for when I go to college. As you can see, it's overflowing, and that's just my stuff. What have I gotten myself into... Note to everyone. You WILL need more than one box. And a blue elephant with orange ears. That part is important..
Bucket List: Part 2
This is a continuation of my bucket list. You can scroll down further to see "Part 1". Bolded stuff has been done. Hope this inspires you! :)
26. Get a Harry Potter tattoo
27. Go to London
28. Go to Germany
29. Meet Jenna Marbles
30. Visit the Titanic Wreck Site
31. Get my re-nose pierced
32. Have sex on a beach
33. Learn fluent German
34. See a Broadway show
35. Go on an ice cream date
36. Adopt a hedgehog
37. Get a bird tattoo
38. Study abroad
39. Go to Ireland
40. Visit Ground Zero
41. Watch Disney movies all day
42. Become a nurse
43. Have a paint fight
44. Have a mud fight
45. Be a surrogate for someone that needs it
46. Ride on a subway in New York City
47. Learn how to waterfall braid
48. Put a piece of gum on the "Gum Wall" in Seattle
49. Crowd surf
50. See Mumford and Sons live

Deathly Hallows tattoo on the inside of my left ankle

My hedgehog, Arri Jean Minerva :)

When we went to New York City, we got to see Mary Poppins and Phantom of the Opera
26. Get a Harry Potter tattoo
27. Go to London
28. Go to Germany
29. Meet Jenna Marbles
30. Visit the Titanic Wreck Site
31. Get my re-nose pierced
32. Have sex on a beach
33. Learn fluent German
34. See a Broadway show
35. Go on an ice cream date
36. Adopt a hedgehog
37. Get a bird tattoo
38. Study abroad
39. Go to Ireland
40. Visit Ground Zero
41. Watch Disney movies all day
42. Become a nurse
43. Have a paint fight
44. Have a mud fight
45. Be a surrogate for someone that needs it
46. Ride on a subway in New York City
47. Learn how to waterfall braid
48. Put a piece of gum on the "Gum Wall" in Seattle
49. Crowd surf
50. See Mumford and Sons live

Deathly Hallows tattoo on the inside of my left ankle

My hedgehog, Arri Jean Minerva :)

When we went to New York City, we got to see Mary Poppins and Phantom of the Opera
bucket list,
Bucket List
So, yet again, I've been neglecting my blog. Oops. I'm honestly trying to get better at it. Swear. But anywho. People are always like, "Oh, I wanna do this!" And then never proceed to do it. Or people on their death bed are like, "Oh, I wish I did this." I don't want to be that type of person. I actually sat down a couple of nights ago and made out my bucket list. I have a whopping 214 things and out of that 214, I've done 48. I'm on a roll so far. Tonight, I'm gonna share my bucket list. I'll be updating from time to time to show, "Hey, I'm following through!" So here's some inspiration. I'll put up 25 at a time.The bolded ones are completed. :)
1. Watch all the Harry Potter movies in one day
2. Try sushi
3. See Big Ben
4. See the Eiffel Tower
5. Kiss underwater
6. Watch "The Ball" drop from Times Square
7. Visit all 50 states
8. Take a kissing picture in a photo booth
9. Be a part of a flash mob
10. Meet Demi Lovato
11. Attend a gay wedding
12. Graduate college
13. Perform on stage
14. Volunteer at an animal shelter
15. Learn to play piano
16. Learn to play guitar
17. Go to New York
18. Go to California
19. Adopt a pit bull
20. Go to Hollywood
21. Visit Walk of Fame
22. Shop in New York
23. Go ziplining
24. Overcome depression and anxiety
25. Find and return someone's lost pet
The view from our hotel room in Anahiem, California. Will definitely go back here.
In New York:) I'm going back here too. Mark my words.
Backstage in the Auditorium before performing for Madrigal. Seniors! I'm lower right in the magenta dress
1. Watch all the Harry Potter movies in one day
2. Try sushi
3. See Big Ben
4. See the Eiffel Tower
5. Kiss underwater
6. Watch "The Ball" drop from Times Square
7. Visit all 50 states
8. Take a kissing picture in a photo booth
9. Be a part of a flash mob
10. Meet Demi Lovato
11. Attend a gay wedding
12. Graduate college
13. Perform on stage
14. Volunteer at an animal shelter
15. Learn to play piano
16. Learn to play guitar
17. Go to New York
18. Go to California
19. Adopt a pit bull
20. Go to Hollywood
21. Visit Walk of Fame
22. Shop in New York
23. Go ziplining
24. Overcome depression and anxiety
25. Find and return someone's lost pet
The view from our hotel room in Anahiem, California. Will definitely go back here.
In New York:) I'm going back here too. Mark my words.
Backstage in the Auditorium before performing for Madrigal. Seniors! I'm lower right in the magenta dress
bucket list,
The college experience is yet to come..

Iowa State,
U of I
Graduating and such..
As of May 20, 2012, I am officially out of high school. It's the best and possibly one of the scariest things ever. Graduating high schools means a few things; I'm done with one chapter in my life, and can start another, but it also means it's time to grow up. Like Peter Pan, I don't know if i'm ready to grow up just yet. I don't know if I'm ready to leave everyone. I've gone to school with most of these kids since pre-school, and next fall, most of them will be gone. As much as I didn't agree with a lot of them, I'll miss them a lot. Don't you remember being in elementary school and think, "Gee, I can't wait till I'm all grown up!" Little did we know what we'd have to go through and how scary it would be when it actually got here. Being little, we didn't think about all the hard work, drama, happiness, pain, or awkward moments leading up to graduation day. I am guessing I speak for most when I say I'll be missing the luxury of home, at least a little. I mean come on. Not always having to pay for things, seeing your friends whenever, givin' some love to the animals, using your own shower, blah blah blah. Most people are going away for college so therefore, parents won't be easily accessible. For a select few, their parents are their best friends, so college will be extra difficult... Poor souls. Personally, college is what I need right now. Some time off to mend relationships with my family, and some time for those relationships to keep growing. Growing up and leaving is scary, but I know it's something I need to do. Graduating high school took a long time. Don't forget the people and the memories. And most importantly, do what's best for you and don't forget the important people at home. Here's to the Class of 2012! Good luck guys!
P.S. Sorry for the randomness of sentences and such of this blog. I had a lot to fit in and didn't want to write a novel.
P.S. Sorry for the randomness of sentences and such of this blog. I had a lot to fit in and didn't want to write a novel.
Class of 2012,
hard work,
high school
And the family keeps growing
First and foremost, sorry I've been absent in the past few weeks. A lot has gone on, so I'll spend the next few days catching you up. The first thing I want to tell you about is on May 26, 2012, I got a new aunt. My Uncle Don got married. Eep! My Aunt Genevieve (cool name, right?) is everything and more I could ask for as the woman my uncle could marry. Since my uncle is handicapped, she is so acccomodating to him, family loves her, and she is just plain amazing.
I absolutely love the above picture. My uncle is wheeling his new bride down the isle. The look on Gen's face is absolutely perfect. You can tell how truly happy she is.
The wedding ceremony and reception was held in a hotel in Coralville, Iowa. The whole wedding was beautifully coordinated. The wedding colors were white, black, and teal and the theme was demask chic. Gen and Don were out dancing and socializing all night. :)
This is an amazing photo taken of Don and Gen at my grandpa's house. Both of them are huge Iowa Hawkeye fans, so the black and gold brick wall in the background is extemely appropriate for them. Best wishes to Don and Genevieve. Love you both!
...And another new addition that will be coming to the family is a new baby cousin in August. Uncle Scott and Aunt Jean are waiting to find out the gender of the unborn baby. Stinkers;)
My Uncle Scott and little cousin Rhys at a town festival!
Aunt Jean and Rhys!
And finally, here's a picture of my unborn baby cousin. Due in August! I'm praying for a girl:)
I absolutely love the above picture. My uncle is wheeling his new bride down the isle. The look on Gen's face is absolutely perfect. You can tell how truly happy she is.
The wedding ceremony and reception was held in a hotel in Coralville, Iowa. The whole wedding was beautifully coordinated. The wedding colors were white, black, and teal and the theme was demask chic. Gen and Don were out dancing and socializing all night. :)
This is an amazing photo taken of Don and Gen at my grandpa's house. Both of them are huge Iowa Hawkeye fans, so the black and gold brick wall in the background is extemely appropriate for them. Best wishes to Don and Genevieve. Love you both!
...And another new addition that will be coming to the family is a new baby cousin in August. Uncle Scott and Aunt Jean are waiting to find out the gender of the unborn baby. Stinkers;)
My Uncle Scott and little cousin Rhys at a town festival!
Aunt Jean and Rhys!
And finally, here's a picture of my unborn baby cousin. Due in August! I'm praying for a girl:)
Serious Harry Potter addiction
I don't think some of you realize just how serious my Harry Potter addiction is. I've always been a big fan of the movies and the books. I own every single one of them. I'm a frequent player of Pottermore. Add me at MarauderWing23895. It's been in my life longer than most friends. I'm buying myself a time turner necklace as a graduation present to myself. Harry Potter was what my childhood consisted of, and I owe my magical and adventurous childhood to J.K. Rowling. Big thanks goes out to her. Extraordinary woman, she is. Well anywho, my addiction went to the next level today... And this is how. My new tattoo is on the inside of my left ankle. Sorry not sorry.
Neighbor News
Okay, so here's a little update on my neighbor. He suffered the worst heart attack anyone could suffer... and didn't die. 99% of people that have the kind of heart attack he did... die. There's no signs. No warning. Zip. Nada. It just does what it does. Luckily, a co worker was with him to put aspirin down his throat and called an ambulance. He had to take 5 electric shocks to his chest to bring him back to life. No joke, Darwin say the Pearly Gates and was able to describe it. The ambulance people and St. Luke's doctors had about 10 minutes to save him by putting stints in his heart. The put two stints in his heart and saved him just in the nick of time. While Dar was in the hospital, we dogsat their dog, Brylee. Darwin came home yesterday and is doing great. thank you readers for your support!
Just a small request.
Hey folks. My really bad ass neighbor had a heart attack today at work.He's only about 50 years old or so. He has a wife and 3 kids still here. Pretty, pretty please pray for him to have an amazing recovery. That'd be super duper and much appreciated.
Ain't he a cute little old-ish guy? Probably one of the best men you'll ever meet. So pray for him. Now. Please.
My furry-ish extended family
Well, one little, well actually huge thing to know about me is I love my pets. They are like the children I don't have yet. They are my babies and odds are, you'll end up hearing about them again so you might as well know some background knowledge about my furry-ish buddies. So here goes it.
Carter is my first dog. Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted a puppy and on Christmas 2001 when I was 8 years old, my wish was granted. That Christmas, my parents had Santa come to our house to deliver him. He's cuddly, sweet, and protective. My big lug of a kooiker hondje is the best Christmas present I've ever received. He may be 10 years old, but he's still my baby.
Doogan was our second dog. He had a lot of spunk and energy. He was a mix of a lhasa apso, pekingese, and a pomeranian. At just a yea and a half, Doog was diagnosed with a kidney disease and died a few days later.
We bought our purebred pomeranian, Sadie, 2 weeks after Doogan passed. She's a crazy, fluffy, ADHD dog. She may be a little naughty sometimes, but she doesn't have a mean bone in he tiny little body.
This is my 10 week old hedgehog, Arri. She is a blast, let me tell you. She's temperamental. She's very picky, but can be very loving. And sorry to burst your bubble, but Sonic isn't her brother. He's her cousin. Nice try.
I guess I'll start off by introducing myself. I'm Kristina. I turned 18 as of December 1st. I absolutely adore anything to do with music. Or Harry Potter. I aspire to be a nurse at a children's hospital. And a wife and mommy. As of the moment, I'm a single mingle starting a blog to tell all you folks about life. This won't be a place full of lies and bull shit stories. It's about the ups and downs of a young adult. It's a blog about life.
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